Spanish Spring Cup Tournament
Tournament info
- Date: Swiss Rounds Saturday 19th & Finals Sunday 20th May 2018
- Place: Hotel Weare Chamartín
- Address: Calle de Agustín de Foxá s/n, Madrid
- Pre-registration: max 200 players
- Price: 20€
Saturday 19th
· Spring Cup Tournament ·
- Swiss rounds depending the attendance (6-8 rounds)
- 30 min per round in BO1
- Decklist is required.

Saturday Schelude
9:00 · Player register
10:30 · Start of the event
11:00 · Side Events: Chocobo Crystal Hunt Demo / Learn to play Final Fantasy
· Prizes for the saturday·
- Each player will receive a special Spring Cup play mat.
- Top 32 – 1 Promo card in japanese (pending to announce the card)
- Top 16 – 1 Gabranth 30th anniversary promo card (in spanish)
- Raffle using the inscription number.

· Side Events ·
- Learn to play Final Fantasy TCG
- Learn to play Chocobo Crystal Hunt
Sunday 20th May
· Spring Cup · Top 8
- Single elimination
- 70 minutes per round in BO3
· Saturday Schelude ·
9:30 · Player register
10:00 · Start of the final
11:00 · Side Events
· Top 8 Prizes·
- TOP 8: Sleeves pack
- 4th: 1 Supply Set
- 3th: Spring Cup trophy + 1 Supply Set
- 2th: Spring Cup trophy + 1 Opus V full set signed by Kageyama-San + 1 Opus V Display (spanish) + 1 Supply Set
- 1th: Spring Cup trophy + 1 Opus V foil full set signed by Kageyama-San + 1 Opus V Display (spanish) + 1 Supply Set
· Side Event: War of the Elements
- Free swiss tournament for those player that does not qualify for the top 8.
- The deck must have only one element
- Decklist required
- Number of rounds depending of the attendance (4-6)
- 30 minutes per round in BO1
· War of the Elements prizes ·
- Top 8: Sleeves pack + 1 promo card in japanese (pending to announce the card).
- 3th: 1 Supply Set
- 2th: 1 Opus V display (spanish)
- 1th: 1 Opus V display (spanish) + 1 Supply Set

· Side Event: Promo Hunters ·
- Side event draft tournament up to 8 players.
- Price: 10€ per player.
- Each player receives 4 Opus V booster packs + 1 booster pack from another Opus + 3 random promo cards.
- Rules:
- Shuffle the 24 promo cards and distribute 3 to each player in addition to the 5 boosters. The promo cards are kept in reserve for the draft.
- The booster pack of the other Opus will be given at random.
- Players proceed to draft with the following modifications:
- Players can keep 2 cards of a booster instead 1, only 3 times in total during the draw, by replacing the 2nd card chosen by one of their 3 promo cards.
- It is possible to choose a promo card placed in a booster, but it does not grant an additional draw.
- Players are free to give up one or more additional draws in order to keep their promo card from the reserve.
- Once the draft is finished, players can build their decks following the current rules of the limited format draft.
· Promo Hunter prizes ·
Pending to confirm
· Side Event: Chocobo Crystal Hunt ·
- Free tournament for those player that does not qualify for the top 8.
- Up to 5 tournaments of 4 players.
- From each tournament we will get one table winner who will play the finale.
- Final tournament will be played with 4 or 5 players, depending of the previous tournaments played.
· Chocobo Crystal Hunt Prizes ·
- Table winner prize: Chocobo Sleeves pack
- Chocobo Crystal Hunt winner: Chocobo Sleeves pack + Chocobo Dungeon Monsters